What Is Dermaplaning Facial? A Complete Guide to Benefits and Procedure

a provider showing her client- what is Dermaplaning facial.

What Is Dermaplaning Facial? The latest craze in the beauty industry and your secret skincare weapon. As someone passionate about caring for their skin, dermaplaning is the best way to achieve a healthy glow. 

It’s a painless procedure that involves gently scraping off the peach fuzz and dead skin cells using a sterile surgical blade across the surface of your face. Then what? Unbelievably smooth and radiant skin means optimal product absorption. You can achieve a celebrity’s perfectly smooth, radiant skin without shaving or using a razor.

From the 20 key benefits of dermaplaning facials to what happens during one, we’ll guide you through Dermaplane! This year (2024) will be the year you finally figure out how to have perfect-looking skin forever!

What Is Dermaplaning Facial?

Shows visible results: what is Dermaplaning facial

Dermaplaning is a method of cleansing the skin without using incisions. It involves a surgeon, dermatologist, or beautician using a scalpel to shave off dead cells and peach fuzz. 

While it removes vellus hairs from the face, similar to shaving, the items utilized, the extent of skin removal, and the executor differ from those used in shaving. This procedure exfoliates deeply but gently enough not to harm the epidermis.

So, it can be an excellent alternative for people with sensitive skin or spider veins who cannot have microdermabrasion done on them.

Is Dermaplaning The Same As Microdermabrasion?

Showing difference Is Dermaplaning The Same As Microdermabrasion?

Not exactly. Both aim to exfoliate the skin by removing dead cells. Microdermabrasion and dermaplaning facial are dissimilar in their approach and what they can be used to treat. They are two different procedures. In dermaplaning, a blade is used to scrape off dead cells and vellus hair from the surface of one’s face.

At the same time, an electric tool with tiny diamonds or crystals that rub against it gently exfoliates by microdermabrasion. Both are types of exfoliants but work differently and use different tools.

Dermaplaning vs. Shaving

Difference between Dermaplaning vs. Shaving

Dermaplaning is much better than shaving when it comes to hair removal. Both are good options for removing unwanted hair. Shaving is a good option. However, it should not go beyond the surface layer of your skin because it only trims those hairs that sit at the level of your skin. 

Dermaplaning exfoliates and removes dead cells, which might make your skin look healthier overall. The technique doesn’t just shave; it also exfoliates, thus leaving behind a smoother surface for easier absorption of skincare products compared to traditional methods. Nevertheless, always seek advice from a qualified skincare expert.

Why Do People Get Dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning has become very popular due to its fast skin-restoration results. This non-invasive treatment is loved by many because it leaves the patient with a brighter, more even complexion without any recovery time needed. The process gently exfoliates your skin’s surface, removing dead cells and peach fuzz, creating a perfect base for makeup application. 

Dermaplaning also helps fight dullness and uneven texture by increasing cell turnover and improving product absorption. That’s why it’s so famous among people who want their wrinkles or fine lines less visible—it makes them look younger. Another reason individuals may opt for dermaplaning is if they have sensitive skin or cannot use chemical exfoliants—this method does not cause any irritation.

Does Dermaplaning Hurt?

Dermaplaning does not hurt most of the time. A stainless steel scalpel is used to scrape the skin gently in small, feathering strokes. You may find it less painful than waxing, threading, or lasering. But it is more uncomfortable than the mild stinging or scratching feeling described when shaving other body parts. 

Your provider might numb your face with a spray or lotion 30 minutes before the procedure begins to make it more comfortable. Always seek advice from an adequately qualified person if you require specific information.

How Does Dermaplaning Work?

how does Dermaplaning works?-Showing works scalpel at 45 degrees to the skin, back-and-forth motions.

They hold a scalpel at 45 degrees to the skin. With gentle back-and-forth motions, they shave off vellus hair and dead cells. 

In short, in a series of small strokes, an esthetician methodically passes a surgical blade over your entire face. 

Exfoliation reveals fresh, new cells that give the face a youthful appearance and make it feel softer.

Who Can Perform Dermaplaning?

Also known as dermablading, dermaplaning is a method of exfoliating the skin by removing small hairs using a sharp-edged instrument. In the past, this procedure could only be done in salons or dermatology clinics by trained healthcare professionals. Candidates must complete 1,500 hours of classroom instruction, clinical rotations, and state examinations to receive a beauty, medical, or cosmetology license.

However, everyone should try dermaplaning once in their life. People who have severe acne or cystic acne must wait for their breakouts to clear up before trying it. All skin sensitivities or allergies need to be addressed before the procedure.

Who Is Not Suitable For Dermaplaning?

Who is not suitable for Dermaplaning?These Include -active acne, eczema, psoriasis, sensitive skin or rosacea on skin.

Dermaplaning is safe for most people, but it may not be right for you. People with active acne, eczema, psoriasis, or cold sores should avoid this medication. Skin stripping can be too severe for those with sensitive skin or rosacea. Also, if you are pregnant or taking Accutane or any other prescription drug for acne treatment, then do not use this product. 

If hormonal imbalances cause your extra facial hair, dermal resurfacing would not be a good idea, either. Before dermaplaning, it’s necessary to consult with a skincare specialist or dermatologist, especially if one has any skin problems or health conditions. Just because something works well on others’ skin does not mean it will also work on yours.

Dermaplaning Facial Benefits

The extremely fast-growing popularity of dermaplaning as a skin care therapy for improving the appearance of the skin is not without reason. Dermaplaning facials have twenty major benefits that are very convincing:

  • Peach Fuzz Is A Thing Of The Past.

Reveal smoother skin that is free from facial hair, which blocks pores and is responsible for renewing our skin. The oil and dirt trapped in these tiny hairs can cause acne on the face. While there are many ways of removing vellus hair, dermaplaning does not use harsh chemicals or involve any harsh processes.

  • Exfoliate Away Dullness Quickly

Typically, dull skin is caused by dead cells on its topmost part. These can be removed through microdermabrasion, among other abrasive treatments. With chemicals used to peel them away to reveal younger, healthier-looking ones beneath.

  •  Bring out your best

All the imperfections between having a flawless makeup-free look and yourself will vanish after a few sessions with Dermaplane. Removing dead cells off the surface makes skin appear healthier and radiant. It restores youthful glow and health while keeping dirt or oil at bay, thus leaving clean pores.

  • It’s Non-Invasive So Pregnant Women Can Do It

Dermaplaning is a non-surgical cosmetic treatment that can be done even by expectant mothers. However, before undergoing any cosmetic procedures like this during pregnancy, it’s important to talk with an obstetrician who knows what they’re talking about. 

  • Gets Rid of Clogged Pores

Image ALT Text-Dermaplaning facial benefits include gets rid of clogged pores

This therapy helps unclog the pores by removing impurities on the surface, such as oil, dirt, and grime. Following dermaplaning, one is less likely to get acne or blackheads. Because they cannot thrive in well-aerated areas, resulting in a healthy-looking complexion.

  • Minimizes Rough Skin Texture

Dermaplaning is a gentle exfoliation technique that makes your skin feel gorgeous. After this process, you will notice an instant softness and silkiness. It also evens the tone, making rough patches appear less noticeable or refined.

  • Brings Back Life To Dull Skin Tone

Exfoliating dead cells with a derma blade creates a natural glow in one’s complexion. After this treatment, people look healthier because their actual color shines through. It’s great for those wanting subtle, healthy-looking radiance!

  • Reduces Fine Lines And Wrinkles

Fine lines and wrinkles can be reduced if one regularly dermaplanes their face, neck, chest, hands, etcetera, etcetera. The process removes dead cells, which allows new ones to grow back faster. Thus filling up any creases that may have formed due to old age or sun damage.

  • Rejuvenates Your Skin Completely

A dermis plane not only scrapes off unwanted hair but also removes dead cells. It is speeding up the cellular turnover rate within our body, especially at the epidermis level. This results in fresher, renewed skin that looks.

  • Better Cosmetic Application

After dermaplaning, makeup goes on smoothly and evenly. Applying foundation and other makeup is easier now because they don’t cake up as much over dry spots. The result is a longer-lasting airbrush finish.

  • Helps More Of Your Skincare Product Penetrate

Commonly, dermaplaning removes dead skin cells from the surface layer, which could otherwise prevent skincare products from being absorbed. Thus, letting serums or moisturizers go deeper into your skin where they can work best.

  • Good for All Skin Types

Dermaplaning is suitable for sensitive skin and all other types. This treatment is safe and effective since it doesn’t involve cutting or using toxic chemicals. However, you should seek professional advice to ascertain its suitability for your skin type.

  • Decreases Dark Spots

With time, it can minimize hyperpigmentation marks and dark patches, too. Removing old cells that comprise its outermost layer encourages a more even tone. With regular sessions, sunspots, scars, and other forms of discoloration will gradually disappear.

  • Restores Skin Moisture Balance

Dermaplaning removes dead skin cells, enabling moisturizing creams and serums to work better. As the moisture level rises, your skin will become softer and more elastic. Those with dehydrated skin will benefit most from this.

  • Prepares The Skin For Other Treatments

Dermaplaning is an excellent preparation for a facial or chemical peel. Removing the outer layers of the lifeless epidermis enhances the efficiency of following procedures. In contrast, active components in other treatments may penetrate your skin more quickly after.

  • Immediate Results

One great thing about dermaplaning is that you can immediately see the difference. After only one session, you will have brighter, smoother, and more radiant skin. That is why it is a perfect treatment before important events or when you want to look and feel your best anytime.

  • Helps Reduce Acne Scarring

Dermaplaning speeds up the turnover of skin cells, making acne scars less pronounced. Its soothing action on the complexion may eventually cause scars to fade away, improving overall appearance.

  • Encourages Collagen Synthesis

For our bodies to maintain supple skin, we need to exfoliate. Exfoliation stimulates the synthesis of collagen, which gives structure and supports firmness and elasticity. When done properly, regular dermaplane sessions can help slow down the aging process later in life.

  • Makes You Appear In The Best Light

Less is better when hiding flaws. Through multiple dermaplaning treatments, blemishes that keep one from having a perfect makeup-free complexion will be seen. 

  • It’s everything your skin needs.

Dermaplaning has you covered. If dullness, unwanted facial hair, or uneven skin tone have been major concerns about your appearance lately, there’s no need to worry! It’s painless and requires virtually zero recovery time.

Research shows that combining this treatment with a complete skincare regimen, such as sunscreen, vitamins, and healthy habits, can work miracles. 

If the estimated worth of the world’s skincare market is $200.25bn in 2026, this indicates the business’s profitability.

Downside Of Dermaplaning

Breakouts, infection, redness, discoloration, and irritation are some side effects that could occur after dermaplaning. Not all skin suits this treatment, so be cautious if you have eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, or acne. 

Dermaplaning can result in scars, including keloid and hypertrophic scars. Always see a specialist before any skincare treatments. Additional risks involve uneven exfoliation, which can dry your skin. 

Dermaplaning costs more than other methods, like waxing or tweezing, to remove hair. Try something different than dermaplaning yourself at home.

What To Do Before Dermaplaning?

Your skin is very fragile after a dermaplaning session, so be gentle. Skin will be sensitive and prone to sunburn as it continues to develop. You should always follow pre-treatment care recommendations given by your provider. These usually consist of 7 things:

  1. Cleanse your face thoroughly: Use a mild cleanser that does not irritate the skin to remove all dirt, oil, and makeup from your face.
  2. Avoid exfoliating treatments: Stay away from scrubs and chemical exfoliants for three to five days before your appointment. Over-exfoliation can leave skin raw and more likely to become irritated during or after dermaplaning.
  3. Hydrate well: Drink plenty of water in the days leading up to your treatment; dewier complexions take to blade to work best.
  4. Stay out of the sun: Protect yourself against tanning beds or directly exposing treated areas for at least one week prior. Even healthy epidermis can burn more readily than usual following such procedures.
  5. No sweat allowed: Try not to exercise. Otherwise, sweat profusely for at least 24 hours after having salt scraped off your face, as it may sting when mixed with sweat.
  6. Let wounds heal: Wait until any cuts have closed over completely before making an appointment. They could affect how well you heal afterward.
  7. Ask a dermatologist: If you are unsure whether dermaplaning would work safely on your particular concern, consult a licensed dermatologist; they will advise you accordingly.

From here on out, be yourself beautiful until the end. Our service area covers all your favorite services nicely and cordially.

Dermaplaning Facial Procedure

Dermaplaning facial procedure involves cleaning with alpha—or beta-hydroxy acid to loosen skin cells.

Dermaplaning is an outpatient procedure, so there is no need to be hospitalized. Before starting, your provider may suggest cleaning with alpha—or beta-hydroxy acid to loosen skin cells. 

Though painless when appropriately done, dermaplaning may be performed under a numbing lotion. If I explain a Dermaplane facial description, it is said to exfoliate the skin’s surface, thus removing peach fuzz and dead cells, and the skin appears smooth and vibrant.

In this process, first, the skin is exfoliated, and hair is removed using a scalpel that slides down the skin at a 45-degree angle. The duration of your dermaplaning session depends on how much area needs to be covered. A facial treatment can take thirty minutes to one hour and a half.

Skin Care After Dermaplaning At Home

This is to ensure a good healing process and skin moisturization after dermaplaning. It is recommended to use products that don’t contain strong chemicals. Here’s what you can do:

  • Gently cleanse your face with a mild cleanser.
  • Apply a facial oil or serum moisturizer to replenish moisture back into the skin.
  • Use a light moisturizer that will help lock in moisture.
  • Avoid exposure to the sun for at least one week, as well as very hot weather, scrubs, exfoliants, and chlorine.
  • The skin needs SPF protection after undergoing this procedure.

If you see any changes in your skin’s condition, consult your dermatologist immediately.

Dermaplaning At Home Vs Professional

Showing the difference Dermaplaning at home vs professional

When performing professional dermaplaning, estheticians are licensed and use specific methods and instruments that involve shaving the face against hair growth. Conversely, at-home dermaplaning usually necessitates fewer specialized tools, needs more expertise, and may even result in pain if done properly. 

Both methods promise smoother skin, but seeing a specialist for maximum effectiveness and safety is better. Moreover, our aestheticians know what areas they should be cautious with while handling their scalpel so as not to damage our patients’ skin.

When you try to do dermaplane at home, there are higher chances for wounds, infections, or uneven results. Expert health care is recommended for optimum outcomes and safety.

How Much Does Dermaplaning Cost?

Want to know how much dermaplaning in the US may cost? It usually averages from $75 to $250, depending on several factors. Metropolitan areas usually have higher prices than smaller ones, so location is a significant factor. There may be various reasons for fluctuations, such as years of practice or the reputation of the spa/clinic within the community, among others. 

If the facility does package deals or combines dermaplaning with other procedures, this can affect total costs, too. Remember, however expensive it might seem at first glance — benefits like smoother skin and better product absorption make it worth every penny for many people! So don’t hesitate to invest in your beauty. The only way to find out what will work better for your skin (and budget) would be to speak with a licensed professional—they are trained specialists, after all!

Transform Your Skin With Dermaplaning Facial

Now you know clearly what a Dermaplaning facial is. These are truly transformative for those seeking younger, smoother, and more radiant skin. Once you learn about the process, you can decide if it would fit you well. 

Along with getting rid of peach fuzz and dead skin cells, this noninvasive exfoliation also helps the skin absorb and apply cosmetics better. Because of its amazing results and short recovery time, estheticism has started to gravitate towards it more than any other type of facial. 

So, if you want to breathe new life into your complexion with an added glow, try one at Sugar & Wax Haven. Your skin will thank you! Tempe, Mesa, Gilbert, Scottsdale, Chandler, and Ahwatukee, Arizona-based Sugar & Wax Haven, use state-of-the-art skin care techniques customized to suit each individual’s needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Dermaplaning Good For Your Face?

Absolutely! Dermaplaning is a fantastic method to rejuvenate your skin. This process eliminates peach fuzz and dead skin cells, leaving it smooth and glowing.

Does Dermaplaning Make Hair Grow Thicker?

Unfortunately, no, dermaplaning will not make hair grow back thicker. Many people need to be more informed about this. Hair shaved off during dermaplaning grows back at the same rate and thickens.

How Often Should You Dermaplane?

Derma planning should be done every four to six weeks for optimal outcomes. This period facilitates new hair growth and completes the skin cell turnover cycle.

How long does a dermaplaning session take?

Generally, the derma planning procedure takes between half an hour and forty-five minutes to complete. Your skin is cleaned and treated during this time, and post-care products are applied. The steps vary depending on the skin type, and scraping might take 20-30 minutes more.

Can I do dermaplaning at home?

It’s recommended that an experienced practitioner carry out the procedure even though at-home derma planning tools are available. They can address any concerns while ensuring proper technique and sterile equipment.


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